Embody Your Truth.

Embody Your Truth.

✦ You feel ready to be seen and finally break through old patterns and blocks, stagnant energy or beliefs no longer serving your radiance by way of having a trusted, heart centered leader and friend lovingly show you your blind spots.

✦ You have a deep desire to guide your life from the truth of who you are which means KNOWING THYSELF in ways you may have been previously avoiding. You're ready for radical responsibility and powerful self leadership.

✦ You are MORE than READY to claim your truest essence and start living your life through embodied expression of your most empowered energy. Not because someone else empowers you, but because you resource empowerment through learning tools on how to excavate and bring to life your God given worthiness.

✦ You have the courage and bravery to put all your cards on the table and boldly step into the highest, most aligned version of yourself.

✦ You are open and willing to be fully in the energy of being a witness to your subconscious and sticky patterns so you can discover integrative ways to shift them.

✦ You want to unapologetically rise into what you came to Earth to do, sovereign, raw, wild, expressive, unique and REAL.

✦ You need a big ol nudge from Great Spirit and a CLEAR message from your highest self regarding the life you are creating. (Hint: We’re diving deep in guided meditation and time traveling a bit.)

✦ You’re ready for serious reality creation.. magnetizing like a QUEEN!  (NOT just writing down some affirmations and hoping thoughts become things!)

✦ You are ready for deep devotion to your inner relationship as it is the foundation to all other relations. (Career, love life, family, etc.)

If you felt a spark for any of this, don’t ignore the calling to devote yourself to this mastermind where you will learn how to fully EMBODY YOUR TRUTH!

Ps. If you made it this far, this is absolutely for you.

Get out of your own way!

Life is NOW.

Keep reading.. what's inside is juicy, powerful, enlightening and transformational.

What's inside:

Within this intimate 1:1 accelerator container, we will meet once a week for 5 weeks.

Each session we will delve into a topic of self discovery, unpacking layers of who you are and who you are NOT for deeper awareness of Self.

Accompanied by a supportive workbook you'll step forward into compassionate yet confronting (in all the best ways) exercises as you meet your edges, break down old barriers and shatter any imposter syndrome beliefs. Learn how to confidently make bold moves for your life, as you authentically and unapologetically rise into who you are at your core.. Divinely made.

Included is access to private chat on Voxer in between calls with a safe place to be seen, witnessed, heard and celebrated.

This is the first chapter of living your life in an entirely new perspective, with inspired action and deeply intuitive knowing.

Investing in Yourself

Total Investment for this 5 Week 1:1 Accelerator Mastermind:


You are MORE than

worth it!




“If you want something you’ve never had before, you’re going to have to BE someone you’ve never been before."

From my heart to yours,

I am so very passionate, turned on and lit up by supporting you in reclaiming your relationship to self and giving you the tools to radically empower yourself into full self liberation. I find pure joy and excitement walking you home to your most authentic expression. Holding a light for you to clearly see how to unapologetically guide your life from the truth of who you are. A deep remembering of your WHY, and illuminating, like a 10,000 lumen spotlight, the unique facets of what makes you who you are. Mentoring you to embody your authenticity is my signature medicine. I am radically committed, devoted and invested in you when you boldly say YES to your truth.

My life truly began when I pulled up for myself. Within this mastermind is the cache of tools, wisdom and understanding that I used to breathe life back into my Soul, it's why now, the number one reflection I receive is how magnetized people are to my unapologetic authenticity. 

I feel it deep in my bones. I LOVE my life and the way God orchestrates the most beautiful experiences through me as a clear, convicted and empowered woman.

Through years of self study, (figuring out what works and what doesn't), and supporting clients to utilize the tools within this mastermind themselves, I've cracked some serious codes. 

Now, you can tune into this wisdom as well.

See you on the inside,


Elise Nicole